The Rudest Things I’ve Heard as a New Mom… (Venting).

It's common knowledge that being a new parent, is challenging. Not so common knowledge is that comments from family, friends, and strangers (the baby gurus of Google) can make parenting seem so much harder— but only if you let them. Even with an obstructed view, in the form of rudeness and unsolicited advice, I try … Continue reading The Rudest Things I’ve Heard as a New Mom… (Venting).

5 Baby Items I Wish I Had From Day One

Besides the necessities like diapers, wipes, and clothes— My baby shower registry was full of things that I thought might be helpful, things recommended by others, and things that made me say, "aww"... I knew very little about babies! Now that Bunny (his internet name) is almost a year old, I wanted to share the … Continue reading 5 Baby Items I Wish I Had From Day One